What? you ask. Sat I had to go into work for several hrs to help get things ready for a reception on sun. These are pictures of what i got done. The big tray eventually had two 1/2 circles of fruit added to it on the sides, a second lg tray and a small one were done before i could leave. (nelly helped too) :)
Then i met gary for lunch and headed to Oklahoma City.
Why you ask-for an art festival of course! I heard about "Festival of the Arts"
last yr through Carla Sonheim's blog. I knew she would be there again this year and kept thinking all week about going. "yes, no, yes" So at 1:15 i was on my way. Checked into my hotel a bit before 4 and headed downtown. Found great parking across from the festival and wandered into the grounds. I really enjoyed the art here-all different artists than what we see here at Main St. Alot of vibrant colors. I did buy a print and original from Carla Sonheim.
I love her art-it just makes me smile. The festival takes place near a park-like area (forget the name) but it's pretty-they have a stage down by the water for some of the musical entertainment and another one near all the food vendors. I highly recommend this one to others. A few of the artists that i enjoyed were: Janet O'Neal
really like the vibrant colors she used in her work. Gianna Marino also had interesting art. She did her main body of collage with torn papers then drew on them (much cooler in person than in my description) Flinn Designs fun mixed media work and she runs an animal shelter.
Scot Schmidt has some interesting sculpture work done in limestone-at least that is the easiest way to describe (says he)
I decided to go see the Oklahoma Memorial while there. I had been there once before with my sister, but wanted to see it again. It is worth the time if you are ever in the area. By this time i was ready to head back to my hotel. I was too tired to even go find food, so i just ordered pizza and watched tv. Woke up to cold temps, packed up, ate and headed home to reality.