Two posts in one week-even i'm impressed. I finished a piece i'm making as a thank you for a friend. She graciously sent me a package full of vintage photo's that she was "purging" from her stash. This image was NOT one of the ones she sent, it's one I have. Nicer than a thank you note I think,
close up of the crackle |
While working in the yard yesterday, i cut back the wild grapevine that grows in the yard. When i was almost finished i had the brilliant idea to take some of the vines and make my own
grapevine balls. Some people would go to the store and spend money on these-me, I just harvest my own :)
When they dry out enough, i'll bring them into the house and
put them in a bowl or something.
This is a rusty (duh) old license plate I found when mowing some land out in Weatherford. I've mowed the same area the past few years and am always amazed when I come across something that I missed before. This time I found an old bottle and the license plate. Anyway, I used some pearl-ex/gum arabic in a copper/gold color and went over the raised areas so you could see them better-before it just looked like a rusted rectangle. When I was photographing it tonight i had one of those sudden "I know exactly what i'm going to do with it moments" and promptly ran inside to start working on it. It involves a "recycled" canvas, some old weathered wood, the plate and some barbed wire. I know who is going to get it also-well, one of two people, depending on whether or not it is too rusty/crusty for the first one I have in mind :)