
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas 2016

front of the house Christmas Eve 2016
This was one of the most "un-Christmas-y" years i've ever had.  I barely decorated-no tree or ladder.  Did up up lights/greenery around front door~Just never felt like Christmas this yr.  I think a combination of warm weather, parents not here and no real Christmas spirit.  The casino party "circuit" didn't even put me in the mood.  I got sick in Dec-just like last year.  Did good to get christmas gifts done/wrapped etc...
 We weren't all even spending the holiday together.  Nathan and I both drove out to mom and dad's (separately) so they wouldn't be alone in new house for christmas.
First time ever i didn't spend christmas with gary.  At least mom's house was decorated-amazing since she has been taking care of dad and spending a lot of time at hospital when he was there.
dad and mom

dad opening gift from nathan

mom and dad

 This bell was made by my grandmother when i was in the 4th grade. She made one for each grandchild with their school photo from that year.
I said, except for Nathan being there, this was like christmas 1963. (my first)  Mom said they had no money that year. Dad's paycheck went for gas to/from work and their living expenses. grandma gave her green stamps (or the orange kind) and that is what she used to shop.  I got an insulated plate and few other essentials.  The grandparents gave me gifts. :)
my first Christmas 1963

decor on counter-she used fabric ribbon i gave her last year
the stockings were hung...

The rest of the family Christmas Day (at keith's house)

Santa wall hanging.  She made each of us one of these several years ago.