
Sunday, December 07, 2014

5 X 5 small works project

From the blog of Seth Apter:
my piece w/flaps down
This collaborative art project began as an extension to my first book, The Pulse of Mixed Media, in which contributing artists responded to questions and prompts by creating art. As a way to involve additional artists, I placed an open call on my blog for contributors to submit work for an online exhibition. Artists were asked to create new work, in the form of a 5" x 5" square and in any medium, that answered one or more of the following questions: 
1. If your artwork could talk, what would it say?
2. Who has had the most impact on your creative life?
3. What is one thing you have never shared with the creative community?
More than 75 international artists contributed over 110 works. All works were initially published on my blog in a series of posts. Subsequently, the 5 x 5 project was featured in an 8 page spread in the November/December 2012 issue of Somerset Studio in which 18 works were highlighted.

If you click on my link in the sidebar (5 X5 project) you can see where the art is now exhibited and for sale.
(i actually have a piece in there)   :)  the link will take you to Seth's blog post that includes pictures from
the exhibit and links to read more about the project~

my piece w/flaps up to reveal picture