
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Clay and "studio pets"

Here are more clay pieces I did and finally finished.  The crown with a face embedded has text transferred onto the base with the face added over it.  The witches hat was my first attempt at that shape and I would like to do another.  

 3 of my "puppies" were hanging out in my art room tonight-Nala looks like she is standing but she is laying on the floor (messy floor) Jack was laying by my feet as I was cleaning off my table and riley was crashed on a cushion.  One of the 3 is usually in there with me-lately it's been riley.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Art Abandonment

Have you heard about the movement "Art Abandonment"-

Art Abandonment is a group designed to encourage random acts of art, left in various locations around the globe. The idea is that folks can make something and leave it for a lucky unsuspecting person to find. Artists can then post locations and photos of abandoned goodies…and finders can let everyone know that they are the lucky finder! O' sweet abandon!

So leave some art. Leave a contact email for the finder…and if you get notified share the message with this group. If you prefer you can use the contact email: we'll be checking it often and share the results.

Here's an intro page on Typepad for full explanation:

I abandoned my first piece yesterday~
it's a small piece done on wood-left at my local library.  I have several more started-now I just need to finish and start leaving them.  So-go abandon some art too!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Yet Another Trip and more Crowns

Last saturday i drove back to Missouri with my dad.  He had some banking business to take care of (along with my ears) :)  and we went through some drawers, closet, piles of "stuff." So much history of the lives of my grandparents in the things that they kept.  Every canceled check written since they moved into the house in Kimberling City.  in chronological order.  It was just the tip of the iceberg.
  We returned on Tues-brought rain with us-as it rained tues night-much needed soaking rain.
Here are a few more crowns I did before I left-samples for my art meeting this sunday.

black Kato clay/translucent edge

black Kato clay/black band w/translucent/gold leaf behind cut-outs

 The two black crowns.  I really liked the Kato clay for this project-it held it's shape very well.  The translucent clay tended to bubble.  I like the idea of adding a tea light inside to illuminate the image. 

Translucent clay with image transferred before baking