
Monday, July 28, 2008

Art Retreat Wkend

My art group had a retreat this wkend. It was hosted in the home of Patti-one of our members-We arrived at various time on sat-Our first project was a byzantine bracelet made of copper-I actually finished mine and must say it's wonderful-thanks to Dale for teaching it. We then had lunch and afterwards, Babette did a great demo on PMC. If it weren't for the expense, i think that could be really addictive to play with-endless possibilities! I did a demo/class on paint mixing-which i wasn't greatly ready for. After the past month, i'm a bit out of the groove and forgot a few things.
Traci showed us how to make a pin cushion ring-a quick easy project that will come in handy. Sally taught us the "long tall sally" book that she originated. We got to a stopping point and went to Pei Wei for dinner. You know my take on chinese food, but i found something i could tolerate~ :) We came back to finish our books-with or without the envelopes. Margo made it around 11pm... We stayed up late and talked and laughed~ and slept soundly after a day of friends and art.
Sun morning found us around the dining table eating and laughing. Won't even go into what that conversation was like-just suffice it to say it was "girl talk!" Our first project of the day was some metal embossing that Donna G taught us. We made metal houses-a fun,relaxing technique. Traci S showed us how to do a "poppet puppet." These were really fun and have alot of possibilities. I made an Addison puppet. We took time out for a brief meeting-we installed our new queen-Carol and you can see how serious the job is! April showed us a wonderful butterfly/paint project where we made some really ethereal looking butterflies (ones she found at goodwill) The day wound down-i showed a few how to use their jewely saw to cut out wood-that was the end of the play~
We helped clean up a bit before some of us had to leave. When i left, several were relaxing in the pool in the 105 temps. I needed to get home for a family obligation, but next time-i'll be in the pool too!
food for wkend-$25
supplies for wkend-$37
playing w/art friends-priceless!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Quilt Giveaway

you can go here to enter to win a really fab-o quilt. The picture to the right-lovely colors to perk up any room!
of course, i'm going to win~:) but enter anyway!

A Few Images from Missouri

I've been home a week now and still don't have much energy. Sitting with someone while they are dying is draining-emotionally and physically-more than i ever thought it could be. I slept good last night-first time in over a month.
The pictures are 2nd cousins and a great aunt. Fireworks on the deck, my family
and more family on the deck~cousin and aunt and my was at least good to see those we hadn't seen in yrs-and those we had only heard of but never met-

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Home Again

It's been a draining month, but i'm back home for now. Gram was buried on july 8th
and i got home on the eve of the 10th. Will post something soon.
thanks for the thoughts, prayers and cards-they were all very appreciated.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Kate Katalinich Moody

The nursing home called me at 12:39 this morning to let me know that my gram had passed away. She'll be missed by many~

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Hard Two Weeks

On father's day eve we got a call that my gram was gravely ill and not expected to make it. In march, she fell down the stairs of her deck-didn't break a bone! but was bruised and went to the hosp and a nursing home for rehab. She went home and was better-as well as one can be at that age. She later fell in her kitchen and broke her hip. She had surgery for that and developed pneumonia. Not a good combination at age 89 along w/her Parkinson's.
We all rushed up there on mon-praying to make it-and we did. I wasn't prepared for how she looked-hard to see such a spunky person that frail. She was moved to a nursing home on tues for hospice. We had some good days with her. She recognized us and talked to us best she could. By the following sun, she wasn't so well. That was the last day she really spoke at all. She can't swallow now-her vitals are up and down-I spent two wks there before heading home (another story) and hope to go back for the long wkend. as she is still hanging in there. In the meantime, we've gotten to know the staff-they are angels. Some of the residents there are real characters! I just pray that she's not in any pain at this point-and that she can at least hear us.