Finally saw Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix on sat. When i got home, book 7 had arrived-that thing was glued tighter than Ft Knox!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
My Little Helper
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Potter Party
Friday, July 20, 2007
Almost Time!
In a little bit, i'll be meeting my sis and nephews at Barnes & Noble for the Harry Potter party~Can't wait for the last book but it will be sad that there are no more to look forward to. Will post pictures tomorrow.
Friday, July 13, 2007
This Past Week
Went back to work on mon after two wks off-figures i finally got inspired on sat to start a project. Cut, sanded, nailed and painted. Started a colorful wooden box-what i'm going to put in it is anyone's guess at this point..but it's a start!
I bought some paint samples to show my sister for the baby's room. ( i get to paint my future neice's room-and decorate some too) yea!
off to Curves, then home to veg-have to work this wkend-and all next wk, 12 days straight, so may not post again until next wkend...
Friday, July 06, 2007
It's Friday...
One yr ago yesterday was the day i was rid of "the nail" and it's been 8 mo since i've had a piece of metal in my body-that's a good sign!
I've started a list of what i'm reading. Currently it's "To die for" by linda howard. A friend loaned me the book that comes after this-so thought i better read this one to meet the characters. It's a fun read. If you like janet evanovch, you would like this too. We had a bit of reprieve from the rains today-but they still say chances over the next 14 days. At least it keeps the temps down. Went and got a haircut today-couldn't stand it anymore and had some layers put in. picture later...maybe. now that it's 9:30, think i'll go do something artsy on my last official day of vacation...