
Friday, May 26, 2006

Studio Friday/Happy Birthday

Studio Friday theme this wk is aged/antique, so this is what i took a picture of in the art room~
vintage rubber stamps.
Today was also my birthday~Started the celebration at midnight w/an amaretto sour. (actually had lunch w/gary's mom thurs, so i guess i started then)
went to scrapbook warehouse in the morning for my discount day.
Gary & I had lunch at Buca di Beppo (mmm ravioli) and chocolate cake...

Got a piece of jewelry from gary-saw this when we were at cottonwood a few wks ago. I had 2 picked out and had him chose which one for me-this one is called "inseparable" it has two figures and hearts~the artist is from Santa Fe...but no website.
We also saw "The DaVinci Code" which we enjoyed. M Night Shymalan has a new movie out

this summer-look forward to that-and Pirates of course! #1 on my summer list.Didn't make it to lowe's as planned today, but will do that tomorrow for paint-next project is "nathan's" bathroom.
Dinner at Anamia's w/mom and dad. Mom got me some vintage photo's when they were out of town last week. They came in to see the dining room re-do. (and visit the grand dogs)
Had wonderful emails, phone msg's -(sorry i missed some of your calls) and cards from friends~thank you all~it was a very nice day.

Cannot seem to get a good picture of the pendant-will try again tomorrow.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Looked outside on wed-and the house behind us was close to being torn down. They had been salvaging since last week. We went out in time to see 1/2 of it still there, then the other 1/2 demolished-guess by the end of the yr we will have new neighbors. Went to a mtg thurs w/the civil engineer for the city and the developer-looks like after some inconvenience later this summer, we will get a new back fence when it's all said and done. Yea.
It's weird looking behind us now-nothing to block the view to Davis Blvd now. And now for some current art projects:
Finally finishing up on the box i started at Artfest. Don't know what will go inside-girl is just there to show the inside-but the box construction is now done-finally. Will post the neptune girl box when i put the back on it. Ok-i lied-here she is w/out the back-can't see the girl too well due to the flash, but you get the idea.

More Art & Soul notes

went to vendor night sat w/margo-and met up w/traci...

some cool stuff to be found tonight. I got the cutest spoon art from Nikki Zigler. Old spoon w/little girl cut-out and blue-ish "sugar" in the bowl of the spoon-it's going in my newly colored dining room.

Mon was my class w/DJ Pettitt-really enjoyed it and the process of the books that we made.

this is one of the samples that we worked off of.

fun class-would recommend her to others.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Art & Soul

Took my 2 classes on thurs with Traci Bautista-Wonderlust and Child's Play (
Had alot of fun just playing with paints/stamps and making our own art supplies.
here is my book-almost finished, and signatuare pages. Nala wanted to get in the act fri morning-she missed me since i was gone wed night thru thurs night... she had "Paris in her Soul" too (the art & soul theme)

Monday, May 08, 2006

What i'm working on...

Finally, i am posting some art on here. Actually it's a teaser-a picture of my
table while i'm working on some art. First picture is the 'egg' thing i did at artfest.
I really like the colors in person. i've also color copied sections of it too -
next is table w/stuff in the works-boxes. later i'll post close ups when i get more done
on them. I have 3 in the works and a wooden 2-d house.. OK-my pictures were blurred. so i'll post that later. off to do ART!~

here is what i worked on this evening. my "house" also posting a glimpse of the boxes i'm working on-and one partially worked on one.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Storms and Guests

Been really stormy the last few nights. I love the rain-always loved the thunderstorms too-watching the lightening and the smell of the wet ground. Gary called me late (2:30am) to tell me nasty weather (hail)coming our way. I was NOT getting out to move the car somewhere. Back to sleep to be wakened by a noise at 4am...thought someone was pounding on the front door-turns out it was scratching at the garage door that leads into the house. opened the door-thinking it was one of our dogs-although Mia was in and Nala was w/gary. I looked down and said "you are at the wrong house" as MO walked in (he had tags) well, he got to spend the night in our doghouse. couldn't leave him out in the stormy weather. He ended up spending the day til his owner's got home from work. Mo has been sad all yr-his "kid" went to college this yr and he is lonely. (kind of ugly too w/that underbite)
Got the dining room textured, sanded, painted and glazed this week. i'll post a picture of the work in progress, but until i put furniture back and hang stuff, it just looks like a wall. Not that a picture online can really give you the full effect, but i can say that Mo's mom was impressed with it. I'm also toying w/the idea of whitewashing over the glaze to tone it down a bit. But want to wait til i see the room all done in full daylight-not cloudy light as it's been.
Had a sad thing happen this week. Nala went out back to do her business, and ran into the house making a beeline for my room-i knew she was up to something-then i saw fur in her mouth. Just knew it was a rat. It wasn't. It was a baby bunny. I yelled and she put it down. I think she thought it was a toy. It hopped around and i picked him up and took him outside. It was VERY little-fit in my hand. Was afraid parents wouldn't take it back w/my scent-but put it out anyway. Figured i would check on it a little later and if it was still there, we could care for it and take it to the local vet in the am that takes wild animals. Sorry to say the little guy didn't make it. I was really sad for it. He is now buried in front-where he'll have a special marker later and i'll know he was there. So now, we are back in the habit of making sure no bunnies are out before we let a dog out.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


When i check my blog, one of the days keeps coming up w/tiny font. It didn't look that way when i first posted it. To make the font larger so it is readable,
you can hit the CTRL botton and turn the wheel on your mouse to enlarge~

Monday, May 01, 2006

Spent the weekend taking classes from Sandra McCall-( she flew in fri and we got to bum after setting up at tricia's- Sat and Sun were spent with friends learning new fun stuff! Also got to play with the emb powders that judikins developed
for sandra ( cool stuff! made metal charms, fresco's, played w/the powders and played w/toilet paper...oh, the things we do for art! As promised, i am posting a picture of the CLEAN art room-yes, i can even see the floor now~
Today i got sandy off to the airport-then went to curves and was home before 8 am! got started on the texture process on the dining room walls. Will post pictures when that is done later this week. Don't plan to spend much time outside this week-after a beautiful cooler wkend, looks like the heat is here again.